
Self-defense is about protecting your personal space and preventing people from hurting you. This can involve anything from using weapons like pepper spray to protect yourself to learning ways to cope with verbal assaults. Self-defense also includes strategies to prevent aggressive behavior and knowing ways to survive physical attacks. Being prepared may improve your chances of surviving an attack.

House of Soke BSR Women's Self-Defense attendees will learn:

Basic behaviors and attitudes that will increase your awareness.
How to avoid potentially dangerous situations.
The 4R principles of self-defense (Recognize, React, Retaliate and Retreat).
Straight forward and effective self defense techniques.

Click on any area of the picture below to see the associated photo gallery.

Click here to go to the guest book.

For more information visit our events page . If you would like to sign up please contact Instructor Kelly at instructorkelly@houseofsoke.com   


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